How is construction progressing?
We are progressing well! We thought the cold weather was going to stay before Christmas, but thankfully it warmed up. We are off to the races and ready to pour the slab on grade in the next 2 weeks as planned. Following this we will start setting up scaffolding for the main floor slab.
What are the working hours?
A typical workday remains from 7AM to 5:30PM, though some days work could extend to 8:00PM or later depending on how the concrete pour days play out.
Is there going to be a lot of noise and dust?
As with any construction project, there will be some loud banging and some noise associated with our equipment and the delivery and pouring of concrete and other heavy materials. On windy days, our Construction Manager will try to modify work whenever possible to minimize blowing dust. We will also install fencing around the site to help keep debris contained on windy days.
Who is the contact person for questions or concerns about construction at Hive?
We understand that the construction process can feel disruptive for people living nearby the site. Anyone with questions or concerns about how work is progressing at Bridge is encouraged to reach out to us by filling out an online form at